The things of the world have taken over and added much pressure to the day, you are distracted and finding yourself caught up, willy-nilly making your way through the day, filling your time with mindless unimportant thoughts such as the priorities of the to do lists, what’s happening on social media, getting caught up in mindless television or food, celebrity chasing, gossip and other people’s lives.
Well, I’ve been there - it's hard not to with the chaos of the world today. This particular image was created out of a new curiosity of vines encroaching on public spaces. The contrast of nature overtaking man made architecture drew me to these scenes over and over. Within the course of a year, I persistently photographed vines growing on many city walls.
One particular day, I was drawn to this expansive wall covered in vines and it was just so picturesque, I started photographing a little closer then, I saw it! My soul was delighted.
I took a step back and was asking the Lord what exactly it was about these vines, because on the surface, it is not the typical “beautiful” object that one would be drawn to. However, I just could not get enough of them and it was definitely the Holy Spirit drawing me to these scenes, for His purposes.
That still small voice brought this scripture to mind…
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. – John 15:5
My faith walk was forever changed that day, and this particular piece holds a special place in my heart. I pray this work will inspire you as a visual reminder each day to “choose life” as you find/walk with Jesus.
Bring "Hope" to your space. Prints available >> here
Abigail ( Abigail means "Father's Joy" ) is Laura's beloved photography companion, her Canon 5D Mark II. The camera is the tool that helps Laura create these images. These stories are the from Laura's 'Adventures with Abigail' where she shares her insights, behind the scenes & stories of creation with you. We hope you are delighted, inspired & impacted by these stories. Be sure to subscribe to keep up with the adventures.