Prints with Purpose
My Vision
To make a meaningful contribution to the lives of others through my photographic artistry.
My Desire
To use my gifting for a greater good. I feel that one of the ways that I can do this is by giving back. This just has WIN written all over it! Not only will you be blessed by adding some delightful wall art to your collection but you will be joining me in helping others ♡
How can we do this together?
A portion of the proceeds of your print purchase in select months will be donated to causes that are dear to my heart, whether locally or globally.
Subscribe to my newsletter to be the first to see newly released prints, learn about the organization we're supporting & receive progress updates straight to your inbox!
Why Prints?
Photography Prints offer a quick an easy way to update the look & feel of your space. They are standard sizes, so you can easily pop it in a frame "voila" ~ instant wall art. An affordable & easy way to enjoy art in your home!
Join me...
in making a meaningful contribution to the lives of others through the love of photography!
I'm excited to share the journey with you!